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Master the past tense and finally speak French with confidence!

Do you have difficulty with the past tense? Are you afraid of being ridiculous?
Do you prefer to avoid speaking with your French colleagues or friends because you are afraid that they will not understand you? 

It's true that the past tense can be a complex tense... Choosing between "to be" and "to have", knowing irregular verbs, matching the past participle (but not all the time 🫣). Not easy!

This is why I have summarized this course in 5 clear lessons, illustrated with examples and accompanied by exercises. 

Download your free e-book and FINALLY talk about your weekend at the coffee machine! 🚀

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Join our online French lessons! 

Small group lessons to practice with confidence and progress as quickly as possible in French. 

To register, it's very simple:  

1. You choose your level. 

2. You create an account and register in the level you want. 

3. You receive all the necessary information by email to start the lessons on the date indicated! 🚀

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"Manon est une excellente professeur, je suis très contente de mes résultats. Les classes sont très interactives et productives."


"Une belle façon d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances ! Manon est très professionnelle et incroyablement amicale, mettant tout le monde à l'aise pour apprendre et parler une nouvelle langue. Les résultats sont très visibles en quelques cours !"


"Je ne me lasse pas de recommander ces cours vraiment adaptés aux besoins des étudiants qui suivent mon rythme d'apprentissage. Extraordinaire et efficace !
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